
ugh pissed off...

i just checked my final grades and everything was fine except for one WTF grade....my painting professor gave me a C......i have no idea where that is coming from, but i do know that it pisses me off. it seems really arbitrary since i produced a fair amount of paintings and came to class and often times painting during lunch.....bleh.

other than that i got a good surprise for my math grade, i made a B and i'm pretty damn proud of it. sculpture was a B, which is good considering i had many setbacks with my projects and health was an A because it was the easiest college class i've ever taken.

i'm trying to be happy about my grades because they are fairly good and nothing to gripe about but the C really gets to me.

right now my GPA is at a solid B but i really want that A so i plan on buckling down even more during the fall but i don't really think that it will be that difficult to do since i've been much more focused with my medication. my doll hobby has also become more passive so i don't have that to preoccupy me as much as it did during the early part of the spring semester.

i'm going to try and focus on  getting my act together more during the fall, i know that i'm not a C student and i want to work hard and not have to see another grade that i know i could have done something about. fall will mean that i live in the art building but i know that it will pay off.

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