
this new year feels the same as the old XD

i'm not feeling the new year so far but i think that has to do with how much a drank on new years and how i've been made to come to work early too many times to count in the past two weeks....

ahh a new year, it really doesn't mean much for me but i do like that it's another year that i'll be with Kid Terror (i hope to have MANY more years with him) although he told me recently that i seem to be a person that would die first....yeah....but it did make me laugh so i guess he's doing his part to keep me alive for a while.

many people make new years resolutions (that they rarely keep) so mine are more like vague wishes: i want to keep growing out my hair (currently working on that one), i want to acquire some more dolls (need to sell some stuff first), those are the only actual things since the others are more vague, hooray for the ambiguity queen! the other things are mostly about school and how i need to settle on a career path. i'm currently art but have thought about going to the special education route (although i'm afraid of burnout, i'm currently experiencing a bit of that with my job, so i don't know if making a career out of it would be the best bet).

keeping in tradition with random organizational style i like to keep while blogging, i refreshed my hair last night. it's a lovely shade of red that makes my roots blend better. i also learned to keep my brand loyalty, manic panic can't compare to any other alternative hair color i've used and i don't intend to stray for quite some time.

jumping back to the new year crap, i would like to get a tattoo (or more than one) this year. i consider this a pretty big goal due to the fact that i am notoriously picky, but i think once i get my first one any others won't be hard to think up.

bleh that's all i feel like doing, i'm sleepy from coming into work early and feel lazy =_=''

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