
because i'm not obsessed enough...

just spent a hefty amount on more hair stuff. i bought:
  • evening primrose oil
  • jojoba oil
  • avocado oil
  • camellia oil
  • tuberose fragrance oil
  • rose absolute oil in jojoba oil
  • rose floral water
i attribute this splurge to becoming really tired of smelling like coconuts. meh it wasn't really even that, it was the smell of the coconut oil after it had been on a day that got me, i could describe it as, "old lady with coconut suntan oil," gross. i'm hoping that i can combine some of the other oils i bought with the coconut oil to offset the smell. i also went a little crazy because finding good quality rose products at affordable prices is really hard. at other places i looked at for a little bottle of anything with rose EO's was around $65.00....luckily i found a good place to buy from that carries a great variety of DiY beauty supplies.

so far my hair obsession has been rewarding, although i know it is draining on those who surround me....*sorry everyone*.......

in other more interesting news *heh not* i finally bit the bullet and got back to art and started work on my subtractive plaster piece. i had many reservations about trying out a new material but i quickly warmed up to the plaster as i like to carve and my plaster still has a pretty good moisture content. as for the subject of my sculpture, it is an abstract figure, i'm really thankful for that since it's my first time doing work in plaster but i look forward to trying more challenging things with it. 

blah blah blah.....other stuff to note, my baby sister's birthday party is this coming weekend! it was super fun to buy her presents and i think i went a little overboard. i got her a barbie with an interchangeable head (yeah totally would have LOVED that as a little girl), extra doll head (did i mention they both have crazy hair?), and a bunch of outfits for all of her barbies'. i really loved barbies as a child and still like them so picking out her birthday presents really was a delight for me.

once my new hair stuff comes in and my sculpture looks more like a human being (instead of legs attached to a block of plaster) i will post some pics since my blog is lacking in those lately. but for the time being doll pics will have to do!

both wigs are new and Panda has new eyes in, i don't know how i feel about them.....


new heights (or should i say lengths) in hair obsession....

as of a couple of weeks-ish ago i have started growing out my hair. this decision has created a HAIR OBSESSION for me......i am obsessed with growing out my hair and it has become an issue that i can't help but think about....and instead of trying to amuse myself and think about something else i'm just going to talk hair on here.

my hair care routine has grown a ton! but i also think that the quality of products i use are a lot better. i'm officially CO (conditioner-only) and my hair seems to be enjoying it so far. i also stopped brushing when wet and use my wide toothed comb instead. i also have purchased a BBB (boar bristle brush, to distribute oil and add shine) but turns out it has some nylon that my hair catches on so i will be replacing it soonish. coconut oil, and oils in general have become my friends, they may be product that has done the most for me so far.

my current hair goals are to continue to keep growing with minimal trims and no hair cuts for until i get to my desired length, around mid-back. i plan on doing this by protecting all the damaged parts by oiling, trying to keep my hair protected by wearing it up, researching homemade hair-care recipes, doing leave-in treatments weekly, and keeping a semi-permanent hair color in like a red hued manic panic dye.

while growing out my hair i'm going to stop bleaching the roots and allow my hair to rest for a couple of months to a year. lately i have done a ton of damage to my hair and i realized that if i want it to be long i have to start taking care of it.

that being said, i will still have some wild color in my hair but it will be limited to reds and purples, with the occasional blue used.

if i were to have any reasons to grow my hair out it would be that i'm ready to project a more feminine persona to others. i consider myself very feminine but understand that my hair doesn't really speak that and i would like to have it back again. other reasons include a feeling of security. although it has been a long time since i've had longer hair i do remember the sense of security it gave me as well. i also think that i'm able to actively grow my hair because i'm in a loving relationship with KidTerror. many if not most of my hair chops have come right after men troubles so being with KidTerror and knowing that we are a stable loving, and encouraging pair gives me the confidence to undertake this personal goal of mine. that being said i'm growing out my hair for ME, it just helps that i have a supportive and loving partner in KidTerror.

that's all i really have for now....hooray for goals!


pleasant weekend with the family

so far my spring break has been super pleasant! right now i'm visiting my family in the boonies and i've been enjoying my little sister immensely. she's nearly 4 so she's at a really fun age. we've spent the weekend in our pj's, napping together, coloring, and watching movies. she also told me that i need to visit her more and to bring my dolls next time since they, "miss her," she said. all in all my weekend has been restful and great, that being said i'm looking forward to heading home tomorrow to see KidTerror (mwah~), pack up some dolls to ship out, and to re-color my hair.

going home this weekend has been my good luck charm for selling dolls, i was able to sell both my dollmore girls to one person and i have another user interested in my big dollshe boy. it will be so nice to get my doll area a little less cluttered. the extra hobby money is also a big plus too, but since i don't have any immediate doll plans or alot of time to play with my current ones, i think i'm going to try and wait on finishing my group. the total of 7 is now back to 4, with all of them being boys. i just don't bond with girl dolls like i do the boys, they don't have the 'pull' like my boys do. since i've been more active in the doll community i've been missing Lucan and Panda, so it will be nice to see them tomorrow in addition to all the other nice things waiting for me at home.

right now i only have two more dolls planned, a suntan dollmore pado boy, who is a definite, since he was one of the ones i wanted when i chose Lucan. the other doll that i'm thinking about is either a u-jee or a paran boy to be Panda's boyfriend.. its hard for me to decide between the two since i'm not sure if i truly like u-jee's eyes.....the paran sculpt has extra appeal since he would be a tiny bit more feminine that Panda (yes it is possible for that to be so). the more i think about it the more paran seems the better option, but i'm going to try and give it some more time before i click the 'buy' button, the same goes with the suntan pado, although he is a definite purchase, i may spoil myself with him when the first summer session of classes starts, but i'm going to try and be good and thin out my doll stuff and try and sell some it so when i bring the last two home, the area they live in won't be a mess......i know it's alot of fuss over pretty pieces of plastic but i truly enjoy them so fussing over them is fun for me.

when i dye my hair tomorrow-ish i'm going to try and be thrifty and use the red colors that i already have at home. i'm not too sure how they will take with the little of blue i still have in my hair but i'm pretty sure that the red will overpower the blue. or i may get a nice gradient effect where my hair starts purple and fades to pinkish red. who knows! i like that about doing my hair, not knowing exactly how my hair will take the dye is always a nice suprise.

that's all i really have for now, i'm looking a lazy start in the morning, goodbyes to my dad and baby sister, and then heading home~


ready for spring break.....

.....that being said i still have to work the whole time but at least i don't have school on top of work...

life has been tiring for me lately, i've felt really worn out so i think the break from school next week will really do me some good. i also plan on watching alot of tv and napping during the hours i'm off from work, so it promises to be fairly relaxing despite the 9 to 5, or in my case 4 to 12.

classes have been fine. i made a 96 on a surprise health midterm, which was awesome and have taken my first math test as well as completed my first sculpture project. wednesday i plan on casting plaster for my subtractive piece and then trying to come up with a design. it's the part that i'm not so excited about...

no new doll news. i have been neglecting them and have been toying with the idea of putting them back in their boxes for a while, since i've been too busy to fuss with them.

i do have news regarding my hair though! i mentioned a few posts back about trying oil treatments to help the condition of my hair and i tried two oils (forgive me if i already talked about the first one, i'm a wee bit grumpy and suffering from the headache that won't quit). the first one was olive oil and it didn't do anything, and it didn't smell very good. the second one i did was this past weekend and it was with coconut oil, it worked really well and smelled great (i love, love, LOVE coconut). it left my hair feeling very soft and manageable, i think i'm going to keep using this on the weekends for deep treatments and for everyday use as a sort of conditioner, shine-restorer, and hair protectorate. i don't really know if that last word was correct but i don't care enough to mess with it.

more on hair.....fading my blue to a color where i can put neon green over is a long process. the longer it takes the more i think about just dyeing over with a darker color. i'm trying to do it just by washing it normally but even that is taking a long time, and since my hair is damaged i don't need to be washing it alot since that creates alot of wear and tear on the hair. i'm thinking that the coconut oil will be the magic item that saves my hair during this time. i plan oiling my hair with coconut oil during the day so the damaged parts remain moisturized and then washing at night and re-oiling a tiny bit before bed as a sort of leave in conditioner. my hair is super porous so it should soak up most of the oil while i sleep. weekends will entail that i do a hot oil treatment and a normal shampoo and conditioner. i haven't decided if i'll oil as a leave in on the weekends since my hair doesn't really get too damaged then.....eh who knows....

i always feel like a dork rambling on about my hair but it's a hobby (i think it qualifies as one) that i enjoy a lot and that always perks me up.

other than the massive hair ramble i don't have much to add. today is a monday. i am ready to be done with work. i am grumpy. i miss KidTerror.
